Meet the Team

  • Shae - Founding Owner & CEO

    Meet Shae! The visionary behind Plank to Pike, where entrepreneurship intersects with design. Her journey began with a back injury, inspiring a holistic approach and a passion for connecting mind and body. Shae's brand is a unique fusion of her love for Pilates and innovative creations, seamlessly embodying resilience and transformation.

  • Julia - Director of Operations

    Meet Julia! Co-Founder of Plank to Pike- With an infectious personality that radiates positivity and draws people in! Julia brings over a decade of experience in both the Fitness and Wellness industry. She is a seasoned professional whose life has been transformed by the power of pilates.

  • Brittany - Lead Instructor

  • Jalene - Instructor

  • Sarah - Instructor

  • Patty - Instructor

  • Vinita - Instructor

  • Alexis - Instructor

  • Julianna - Instructor

you got this, girl!